2001 Shanghai Suoto Pump Industrial Co, Ltd. founded for import business in Shanghai, China 2002 Gorman-rupp self-priming pump T and U series were introduced and started production by ourselves. 2003 100 sets of T and U series self-priming trash pumps exported to our customer in USA, means the bulk production of this kind of pump 2004 CUMMINS diesel engine self-priming trash pump package was produced. 8 diesel engine trash pump packages were exported to Australia for irrigation 2005 To enlarge our product range, SUOTO pump Hunan factory founded, started to produce split casing pumps
2008 Establishment of SUOTO pump Zhejiang factory, means our product range was extended to vacuum pumps field 2010 Establishment of Suoto Pump Holdings Co, Limited in Hongkong 2011 Agreements were signed between Suoto Pump Holdings Co., Limited and some pump manufacturers, SUOTO was able to export all kinds of pumps to satisfy different requirements of our customers. 2014 Gorman-rupp Super T series trash pump was produced, further enriched our self-priming pump range